Technical News

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Technical News2020-06-04T02:21:14+00:00
1305, 2021

The Picosecond Laser is one of the latest laser technologies used in dermatology/HuafeiMedical

May 13th, 2021|Categories: Technical News, Company News, Product News|

The picosecond laser is one of the latest laser technologies used in dermatology. It has a picosecond (<10ps) ultra-wide pulse [...]

1008, 2020

Notice when you treat black and blue pigmentations with Q-switched Nd yag laser at 1064nm/HuafeiMedical

August 10th, 2020|Categories: Product News, Company News, Technical News|

Notice when you treat black and blue pigmentations with Q-switched Nd yag laser at 1064nm 1.What you should do before [...]


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